12-06-2020 Advent #2 More Prophecies Around the Christmas Child: Jesus, The Messiah.

12-06-2020 Advent #2 More Prophecies Around the Christmas Child: Jesus, The Messiah.  We are taking a break from the Book of Revelation until after the Christmas Advent season to look at the Birth of the Christ child and some of the Old and New Testament predictions about his birth, life, death and resurrection. Gain new hope as we together appreciate the greatest story ever told and the greatest gift ever given: that baby born God in a stable. 

11-1-2020 Revelation #5. The last three Churches of the Seven Churches from Revelation chapter 3.

11-1-2020 Revelation #5 Pastor Terry Van Horn teaches Revelation chapter 3 about Christ’s words to the final three of the seven Churches of Revelation in Asia Minor, modern day Turkey: Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. Christ commends faithfulness, rebukes, warns and encourages these churches as they are a lesson to Christians in these modern times.