9-27-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn finishes Adventures in Acts #41. The Apostle Paul faces continued trials about his faith in Rome for 2 years under house arrest in Acts Chapters 27-28. Thus ending the book of Acts.
09-20-2020 Adventures in Acts #40
9-20-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts #40. The Apostle Paul faces continued trials about his faith from Jewish leaders and Roman officials, Festus and King Agrippa, in Acts Chapters 24-26. Paul stands firm in his testimony about Jesus Christ, our Savior.
09-13-2020 Adventures in Acts #39
9-13-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts #39. The Apostle Paul faces false accusations about his faith, is arrested and faces various Jewish and Roman authorities to defend himself. Knowing Paul's experience can help any Christian who may be accused for their faith or face ridicule or misunderstanding.
09-06-2020 Adventures in Acts #38
9-6-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as Paul shares the results of his ministry with both Jewish and Gentile believers and faces conflict and arrest in Jerusalem.
8-23-20 Adventures in Acts #37
8-23-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we experience the Apostle Paul’s Third Missionary Journey, his encouragement of the Ephesian elders, and his desire to visit Christian disciples on his journey back to Jerusalem.
8-16-20 Adventures in Acts #36
8-16-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we experience the start of the Apostle Paul’s Third Missionary Journey, a riot in ancient Ephesus over Christianity and the Gospel brought to new places in the world.
8-9-20 Adventures in Acts #35
8-9-20 8-9-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we travel to Corinth from Acts 18-19:22 and the Apostle Paul completes his Second Missionary Journey.
8-2-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn Adventures in Acts #34
8-2-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we travel to Corinth from Acts 18 on the Apostle Paul’s Second Missionary Journey.
7-26-20 Adventures in Acts # 33 The Apostle Paul in Athens
7-26-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we travel to Athens, Greece where Paul teaches and challenges the elite of the city in Acts 17 on the his Second Missionary Journey.
7-19-20 Adventures in Acts Message # 32 from Acts 17 on the Second Missionary Journey of the Apostle Paul.
7-19-20 Pastor Terry Van Horn continues Adventures in Acts as we pick our message up with Acts 17 on the Second Missionary Journey of the Apostle Paul.